Cartoon Network started broadcast in India in 1995 as a dual-channel with Cartoon Network initially operating from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Turner Classic Movies (formerly TNT) taking up the remainder of the daily schedule. Later the time slice of Cartoon Network was increased up to 9 p.m. On 1 July 2001, Cartoon Network India became a separate 24-hour channel which broadcasts in Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India.
In 2004, a separate feed of the channel dedicated to Pakistani and Bangladeshi viewers was started. Programmes broadcast on this feed are different from the Indian feed. It has a translation in some areas. The channel was basically a relay version of Cartoon Network India in the start which is not the case now. Cartoon Network India is the only channel which aired the English dubbed version of Heidi in 2001. This show has not premiered on any other Cartoon Network channel worldwide

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