When you negative : A fresh young graduate went to his first job interview ; but he was very nervous and one thought was consistently playing in his mind” If I can’t respond properly, what’s going to happen…?’ When  he entered the room  he felt that his mind was totally blank and he couldn’t answer any of the questions properly. Later, he found out that another interviewee was selected for the position. He  felt very frustrated and accused himself because he knew all the answers, but stumbled. He thought that ``he is good for nothing “. After that day he stopped going to social events and further more stopped going to job interviews. He made no social interactions, met none of his friends and didn’t go to any party because he felt left out since all  of his friends had jobs; this made him feel more insecure. He made him isolated from everything ! After a while he went in for a counseling session. When he came for the session, it was quite visible that he was a frustrated person and a loser in life. After a long period of silence he said, ``People always laugh at me and I hate myself more than anything in the world !’’ .



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